Archive for Patterico

sh…look: Bird! See?

Posted in blogosphere, mental, paranoia, pastelike, politics, reality check, sockypuppets, spin, tuesdays with tags , , , , , , on June 4, 2013 by Qritiq

A commenter had this to say:

‘V.’ ?

Wait a fucking second here…

1-Victoria Wren
3-Vera Meroving
4-Veronica Maganese

OK. I get it.

You don’t fool me!

Five “V”s? Oh yeah. V.V.V.V.V.

V. Cinco? V.C.? Obviously, Pynchon is…

V-I-N-C-E-N-T C-A-G-G-I-A-N-O!!!

You see?

I just knew it!! Total Proof!!!

You know, if an unstable mind wanted to highjack, spin, and dominate a topic, the most likely procedure would probably be old-school Alinsky tactics as reinterpreted by current Tea Partiers, even though the perpetrator of said tactics might identify themselves as a “progressive” (like @perpostericity & Dreamsend333), which in reality would probably translate to something like “C-a-s-s S-u-n-s-t-e-i-n O-p-e-r-a-t-i-v-e”.

First, the projection of your own agenda upon your targeted Straw Man, who is to be accused of exactly what you are really doing.

Best Straw Man is someone tangental to the case being damage controlled, about whom the least is known, so you can pretty much make anything up about them, and then demand that they identify themselves to prove their non-involvement in the activities of which you have accused them.

Lots of luck on that.

This is parallel to the Tea-Bagger tactic of finding a Straw Man like oh, say Brett Kimberlin, or Neal Rauhauser, to be built up as a boogey-man by sheer repetition of The Big Lie.

I’ll be back to finish this up after I return from a chic and totally hip dinner at Musso & Frank’s. The Lasagna Milano there is unspeakbly toothsome.

OK, we’re back! The Rigatoni Tuscanique was awesome, and not nearly as overpriced as you might think. Alright, maybe it was a tad uberpricen, but it was on somebody else’s expense account. As a result, the basic cost of Fine Literature may upspike just a little, but it should soon correct itself, and smooth out just fine.

Now where were we?

Oh yes, once having established your erzatz nemisis Straw Man, the next step – and this is so very, VERY crucial – is to position yourself as The VICTIM.

This is the preferred procedure making the rounds in the Tea-Bagger twitter wars. Various Tea-Baggers like Aaron Worthing, Lee Stranahan, E.W. Erickson, R.S. McCain, Patterico and probably others too grotesque to remember, have built a flimsy little Urban Myth around Brett Kimberlin, with Neal Rauhauser as an alternate, to be used as a boogieman to shake down their Depends wearing, Rascal riding readership for donations:
“OMG!! Kimbelin has my address!! He’ll come and blow me up!! I have to move NOW!!” etc etc blah-blah-blah

Of course nobody moves anywhere or gets blown up. Just pocket the $$$, and oooze on out to the next C-PAC boozefest (oh, by jingo what fun too! Steve Crowder will be there! He’s soooo funny! tee-hee! Greg Gutfield too!! Ooooh!)

Someone posing as a “progressive” would probably skip the donation part, their audience not nearly as moronic as Tea-Baggers, and be content merely with damage control, spin, and very, very muddy water.

Never mind that there are real-people-who-have-died-under-at-best-dubious-circumstances, make it all about YOU and your tragic Victimhood.

Yeah, sure these other people died on terms of fear and anguish, but how trivial and self-indulgent that all is compared with the terrifying experience of being sent hostile and incoherent emails causing a total psychological meltdown!

Oh, the humanity!

Tears well in my eye at the sheer relentless torment some individuals suffer from the brutal effects of The Holy Toenail Law, and the silly incoherent mentally incapacitating emails with which it is enforced! *sob*

Well, keep those waters muddied Ty, and tell Cass I sez hai!

By the way, did you notice that that Rosamond guy is head of the Knights Templar or som–GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

How To Get Away With Lying

Posted in fat, politics, spin with tags , , , , on June 28, 2012 by Qritiq

Step 1: Tell a big fat lie.
Step 2: Take it back.

Of course, don’t take it back until searching on the topic has leveled off.

And, your comment in which you back away from the lie, will be farther down the comment stream. So anyone who does search that topic, will see the lie first, and will likely not search further.

They’ll think they’ve already found what they were looking for.

I believe i may have seen examples of this tactic on the monster thread (and I would imagine it could be found throughout Pat ‘n’ trolls’ writings.)

How many can you find?

Mind Your P and Q

Posted in do the right thing, illegal, politics, spin with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on May 31, 2012 by Qritiq


From comments on a Dave Weigel post:


The origins of Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day – in this wordpress post:
– the Frey/Kimberlin stuff has a lot to do with keeping James O’Keefe out of jail and a pitched battle over voting rights
Yesterday from
Convicted bomber and perjurer Brett Kimberlin couldn’t have put it better himself.Qritiq is a champion of a man who tweeted to me that he wanted to punch me in the nose several times and take a sh*t on my wife (he did not bleep the word) — all, apparently, because he was upset I was ignoring his evidence of Kimberlin’s innocence.Qritiq seems t0 have a very c0zy relati0nship w/ Kimbrln ass0ciate NealRauhausr. [Patrick Frey’s team google-bombed the previous phrase – that’s why the spelling changes] Her blog is a cesspool of defamation of me and other Kimberlin victims. Everything she says needs to be understood in that light. I do not find it surprising in the slightest that she is trying to convolute and misstate the intent behind the Brett Kimberlin blogburst.
19 Hours Ago from

1. I recall he also wanted to staple the truth to your forehead.
The crude tweet dates from October ’11 or before. How many times have you and your trolls repeated it since? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was well over a thousand. And you are repeating a crude tweet, that mentions your wife, for over seven months … why exactly?

2. I thought the reason he said it, was because you were phoning him incessantly and menacing him after he asked you to leave him alone. (Interesting you neglect to mention: dude’s website is called “Brett Kimberlin Lies” –

3. The truth, is the only thing I’m a champion of, and that’s why you’re out here spinning so hard. You made a point of replying to a pretty benign comment imo, to try to convince people that I’m a liar and also to say things about me that are simply untrue. What are you so afraid people will find out if they give me a listen?

4. I’ve never met Rauhauser, never spoke to him on the phone (I never even heard of him until YOU brought him up), so the probability is that you and your co-conspirators are FAR cozier with Rauhauser than I am.

5. “Everything she says needs to be understood in that light.” Pat, why don’t you let people decide for themselves:
Slate readers are not children and they don’t need you to interpret for them.

11 Hours Ago from

it’s no contest


Wonkette Scratches The Surface And Misses The Boat

Posted in blogosphere, censorship, crime, divisiveness, do the right thing, illegal, politics, villain with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2012 by Qritiq


Wonkette’s Doktor StrangeZoom presents Frey re Kimberlin in a nutshell:

StrangeZoom tells of blogger Patrick Frey’s involvement in Blog About #BrettKimberlin Day. Kimberlin, if you will remember (not saying you’re old mind you) was the guy who said Dan Quayle bought pot from him. Kimberlin is also an ex-con and a purported terrorist. Pat Frey is also accusing those “in league” with Kimberlin, of calling 911 and saying that Pat shot his wife, resulting in a SWAT-type swarming of police and fire at Frey’s residence.

Here’s what Wonkette missed:

This story is really about Kimberlin’s non-profit, Velvet Revolution v James O’Keefe’s non-profit, Project Veritas. Both organizations deal with voting rights policy and are at loggerheads. Check out this 22-page doc by Velvet Revolution’s lawyer about O’Keefe:

Patrick Frey also seems to be heading up a conspiracy to spread libelous statements via social media. Their target is a harsh detractor of O’Keefe’s – Ron Brynaert – the former editor of a liberal political news website. Brynaert broke a number of incriminating stories about probationee James O’Keefe that could well have landed O’Keefe in the clink.

Frey and his associates even seem to be trying to frame Brynaert for a crime, by spreading defamatory statements indicating that he is “in league” with Kimberlin and sounds like the voice on the 911 hoax call. Of course neither of these statements are true – they are downright laughable. But right-wing extremists and readers are encouraged to continue to spread those lies, by Frey and his co-conspirators.

Frey even went so far as to indicate on Glenn Beck’s show, that a victim (someone Pat had been communicating with) who was SWAT-ed one week prior to Pat’s alleged SWAT, was also targeted because he also was writing about Kimberlin. Completely false! That victim had been talking about information he had regarding Weinergate, just before he was SWAT-ed. He never had anything to do with Kimberlin!

The reason Frey and his associates are ramping this stuff up now, is because (I believe) the New Hampshire Attorney General has *just* asked for 7-years worth of James O’Keefe emails. And so, there is an attempt afoot by Frey and Co. to head off a potential ishstorm, by directing the conversation away from conjecture regarding the potentially damning contents of those emails, and toward the sensational tabloid-friendly crimes committed in the 1970’s by the head of Velvet Revolution. Concurrently, there is an attempt to both menace and discredit O’Keefe’s seemingly most dangerous critic – Brynaert – who, while he is certainly known for being combative (understatement), is also respected by both progressives and conservatives for being a skilled researcher who’s like a dog with a bone when a story interests him.

I should also note, Brynaert has broken at least one story, that I know of, that proved useful for James O’Keefe; I am not trying to imply that this journo’s reporting has been biased against O’Keefe. Yet, I imagine there is some concern within Team JOK, that if the 7-year email cache were to land in this Brynaert’s inbox, he would undoubtedly read EVERY SINGLE FREAKIN email. And I think anyone who’s been following along for the past year, knows that predicting the potentiality of that outcome, is not such a big leap, and said outcome would likely not be in the best interest of Mr. O’Keefe.

Keep in mind that voting rights policy could determine the next resident of the White House. (Much in the way that those who brought you Weinergate, knew that the NYC Mayoral seat is a very viable step to the presidency.) This is not small potatoes that Project Veritas and Velvet Revolution are warring about. I’m sure there are plenty of donation dollars in both corners.

This is actually some kind-of-serious stuff – I mean a team-attempt to frame a journalist for a crime because he published the truth about someone who has access to big money?

Not. Good.


and a reminder –

Patrick Frey’s M.O. is to take advantage of people and manipulate them:

One of Frey’s former supporters whom Frey would not assist with petty cash to cover court costs toward his defense against plaintiff Brett Kimberlin, wrote a note that seemed utterly despondent [to this reader] that mentioned Kimberlin. Kimberlin won a case against that former Frey supporter and I believe that they were even at one point arrested.

Now there are reports that Aaron Worthing aka Walker – a Frey disciple – has been jailed ( , link courtesy of commenter “Saul G.”.) @rsmccain reports on his blog that Walker was taken into custody after a hearing regarding a permanent order of protection against Walker. (Walker had been bragging on twitter recently, that he always carries a gun. He had a restraining order against him at the time.)

[UPDATE: Walker has now been released from custody. A copy of this morning’s peace order ]


And on a more personal note:

I want to warn readers that Patrick Frey is no friend to you. If you have a family and a dog, don’t do Frey’s bidding, because he doesn’t mind getting others into very serious trouble. And if you want to be a lawyer and you wind up getting arrested in the service of Patrick Frey, well, that could actually ruin your life.

Remember – Frey, who resides in a $1.3 million home, wouldn’t even send $200 to his pawn when said pawn was sued by Kimberlin.




(h/t STL Activist Hub for indicating where clarification was needed)


I Have Amnesia

Posted in blogosphere, censorship, crime, politics, video with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 28, 2012 by Qritiq


If so many other things in the entire interview hadn’t struck me as odd, seemingly incorrectly stated, or different from my recollections of previous statements, I’m sure I never would have noticed:

In this, the first portion of the Glenn Beck interview…



…Patrick Frey tells Glenn Beck that he’s been harassed by Brett Kimberlin, because he had written a post about Kimberlin. Then Pat agrees with Glenn they “can’t directly tie” Pat’s SWAT to Brett Kimberlin.  Pat goes on to describe the SWAT. Then Beck asks if Pat has ever seen anything like this before. Pat replies by saying “Yeah – it happened to another guy [@CryingWolfeBlog], who was writing about the same story I was writing, about a week earlier.”
Pretty sure Pat never mentions Weinergate at all to Beck’s audience – the entire interview is about Brett Kimberlin. Yet by Pat’s statement above, listeners are led by Pat to believe that @CryingWolfeBlog was SWAT-ed because he was writing about Brett Kimberlin. Only problem is – @CryingWolfeBlog was SWAT-ed because he was talking about Weinergate and trying to find out who set him up.


I don’t recall @CryingWolfeBlog writing about Brett Kimberlin before he was SWAT-ed.
(Honestly, I don’t remember @CryingWolfeBlog blogging about anything at all during that time frame.)
Should I head to the E.R.?



Twenty Questions

Posted in blogosphere, censorship, divisiveness, politics, sockypuppets, spin with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 25, 2012 by Qritiq


1. Why won’t Patterico reveal the truth about why he fired Aaron Worthing?

2. Why do some people continue to believe bloggers who pretend to be conservatives and are proven liars?

3. Why do some people continue to call Robert Stacy McCain a racist – is there a shred of evidence to indicate that?

4. Why did Aaron Worthing have to wait until the James O’Keefe emails were subpoenaed before posting his own story about #BrettKimberlin?

5. When you state a true fact – and someone who wants to hide that truth – broadcasts that you “support” someone that you obviously never supported – why does everyone pretend not to notice the liar’s obvious lie? (I previously wrote about this commonly used subterfuge tactic as it applied to Weinergate.)

6. About a day after another blog posted that Ron Brynaert had a “huge” amount of money, Aaron Worthing sent Brynaert a letter demanding 20K cash or he’d sue Brynaert for $66,000,000. Is the attorney that advised Aaron that this action was A-OK, trying to manipulate and use Aaron?

7. On a related note, I keep seeing @AaronWorthing state that @ronbryn is Brett Kimberlin’s “buddy”, “pal”, etc., which is a bold-faced lie. Why is it that people who claim to care about truth, never call Aaron out on it?

8. Since Aaron is known to have lied (see #7), can we trust the other things that he says?

9. Why did Herman Cain delete his facebook posting that was based on Robert Stacy McCain’s tale?

10. Why do some people become enraged when I point out that the timing of the social media anti-#BrettKimberlin campaign coincided with the subpoena of 7-years worth of James O’Keefe emails?

11. Do you think that Lie Stranahan actually believes that his caller, whom he said he believed was a jilted texter  (described as “dumb” by someone she spoke to at length) fabricated a phony California driver’s license (when she lives in Boston) as well as fake student id’s on short notice, told a stack of lies to the New York Times, impersonated at least two different real people, filed a phony police report, punked Tommy Christopher – Mike Stack  and the whole of the #BornFreeCrew, and for months scripted ALL the writings of DW – who was quite knowledgeable regarding nyc political reporting and Queens politics and issues (when “she”‘s “dumb” and from Boston), JR9 and many other socks including thousands of DM’s with GC (sorry if I left some stuff out)?

12. Who told Andrew Breitbart that Pat Frey had been SWAT-ed?

13. Why do some spend so much of their time bothering to argue with sockpuppets who consistently spout outrageous stuff that no-one believes?

14. I heard Andrew Breitbart’s last interview. His concerned and alarmed telling about his associate Pat’s SWAT seemed sincere to me, and he intimated that he (Breitbart) and his family could likely be the next to be terroristically targeted. Did the story about Pat’s SWAT, that Pat did nothing to clarify, contribute to Andrew’s stress level in the days leading up to March 1, 2012?

15. I’m told a judge clearly stated that Aaron had committed an assault. So why would some think there should not be a restraining order (that would serve to protect both parties) against Aaron – isn’t it better to be safe than sorry (I guess in the interim anyways, the ruling judge agreed with me)?

16. Did people Herman Cain trusted feed him disinformation?

17. Why are so many people being mean to @CryingWolfeBlog when it seems that, while he does defend himself against their attacks, he has never done anything to them?

18. Why was @ronbryn targeted from the get-go by those on the left AND on the right?

19. If you were trying to frame someone for a crime, and in doing so, you had to have an accomplice place a phone call during the time you were on the phone with your target, wouldn’t it make common logical sense and make it easier to coordinate the timing of your own call with his, if you told your accomplice to make his call “at midnight”, rather than at say 11:39 or 12:13?

20. How much money do you imagine has been spent all told, so far, on O’Keefe v Kimberlin?



Consider your answers, as this post will be opened up to comments in the near future.


Meeting Of The Minds??

Posted in blogosphere, politics with tags , , , , , on January 1, 2012 by Qritiq

I asked Ron to meet me for the first time last week, and he was kind enough to do so. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe I’m the only one in this or writing about this, who has actually met with Ron.

I spent a long time talking to Ron. I looked him dead in the eye and asked him multiple rapid fire questions, which he answered with no hesitation whatsoever.

I am now 100% certain that Ron had nothing to do with the SWAT’s or any other part of all the bullshit he’s being accused of by certain people who are pulling “facts” out of their ass.

Pat Frey owes Ron a huge apology for Patterico’s irresponsible post that indicated that Ron was in league with Neal and/or Brett. Patrick Frey also owes Ron an apology for Pat’s wild accusations [read: slander] that Ron committed a crime. If Ron was even suspected of a crime, you can bet your bottom dollar that at least one of the at least three detectives working on the SWATs would have at least contacted Ron by now – it’s been what – 6 months?? Obviously, there is no evidence – Pat made that up. After 6 months, you can be sure that at least a shred of evidence would have come out after all this time, had Pat been telling the truth. His claims make as much sense as saying that Adrian Chen did the SWATs. Or Markos. Or freakin Katie Couric.

And the rest of Ron’s accusers need to learn to forget about “Trust”, as when it comes to Patrick Frey, it seems that “Verify” is the critical part.

And if Pat thinks I got anything wrong here, he is welcome to comment/respond here for himself. He is not welcome to send a troll (or a more polished writer) to do his bidding.

When I asked Ron if I could post about this, he said it was ok, but not to bother “defend”-ing him. I take issue with that characterization. People on both “sides” of this thing have accused me of “defending” others. These folks seem to forget: I do not have a dog in this fight; I have not defended anyone. Rather, I am relaying what I have learned, what I have observed, and, in light of that, pointing out the difference between what is nonsensical and what is common sense.


Paranoiacs Anonymous

Posted in crime, paranoia, politics, sockypuppets with tags , , , , , , on November 2, 2011 by Qritiq

A lot of accusations have been bandied about. As you may well know, I’ve been looking at post-Weinergate shenanigans and crimes for a while now. And just for the record…

I have not seen one shred of evidence indicating that Neal is guilty of anything (other than getting into a snit for no apparent reason.)

I have not seen one shred of evidence indicating that Ron is guilty of anything (other than calling me every name in the book. (And Pathetico never “denounced” any of it.)) Oh, and reading anything Ron’s written as an actual threat is obviously preposterous (listen up Pathetico.) I’ve certainly never felt threatened by Ron and the many epithets he’s logged that were directed at me.

I have not seen one shred of evidence that @goatsred is guilty of anything. He seems to be under attack by some sockpuppets who seem to have no clue (and no curiosity) as to who the actual players in Weinergate were.

I have not seen one shred of evidence that GC is guilty of anything, despite Patrick Frey’s commenters being incredibly nasty and accusatory toward her. Oh, and by the way, Pathetico never denounced that repulsive behavior. Rather, he seemed to actively encourage it. (I’ve never seen a writer block/ban a source. Can you say “dumbass”?)

And I’ve gotta say that thinking that KidKenoma is some kind of criminal mastermind is um what’s the word? Oh yeah – ridiculous.

Of course Ken and “Dustin” and Pat even tried to point a finger at yours truly, because they know that I know some truths that they don’t want revealed. I think you need to ask yourself why that would be. When I posted a link to new information about Dan Wolfe at (because “Dustin” had requested that I post any new information there), Pathetico deleted the post. Post-haste. Gotta ask yourself why he would do that. His excuse was that I had deleted just one out of MANY of “Dustin”‘s comments.

(I had deleted that one comment of “Dustin”‘s, because it contained false and defamatory statements about GC. I had already let “Dustin” post many comments containing disinformation, and “Dustin” was already fully aware that his many comments were totally disrespectful of this blog’s guidelines. I NEVER violated any of Pathetico’s blog guidelines, although Pat allowed many commenters to post disinformation and allowed some to use more than one handle – against his own rules. So, again, you need to ask yourself – why was I singled out? I was also singled out in that I believe that “qritiq” was the ONLY one on the monster thread that had actual names attributed to their handle/nickname, that were NOT redacted. So again, you need to ask yourself: WHY WOULD JOHN PATRICK FREY SINGLE OUT QRITIQ? FOR WHAT POSSIBLE REASON? And, perhaps even more telling, why would he want to hide new information from his readers? Quite interesting behavior, don’t ya think?)

Pretty sure the only charges I am legitimately guilty of are cupcake over-indulgence and poor grammar. A thousand freakin pardons.



POSTED BY qritiq

A Post-Weinergate Primer: Links

Posted in crime, politics with tags , , on August 11, 2011 by Qritiq


Commentary and analysis from Joe:

A Mysterious Caller

Commentary and analysis from SarahW:

Now take the quiz:


Sockpuppet Theatre

Posted in politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 10, 2011 by Qritiq

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability, 5 points each:


Who voiced Patricia Reid?

Did Dan Wolfe get paid? By who?

Is there anything concrete that ties NR to the AW takedown?

What was the motive? (please be specific)

Is there really a JG? Has anyone seen the police report?

Any more questions?


Please stay mostly on topic. Idiotic, illogical, dopey, untrue, misleading, and annoying comments will be promptly deleted and the commenter will be banned.

Anonymous replies welcome.




Ad Campaign

Posted in crime, spin with tags , , , , on August 5, 2011 by Qritiq

As a former teacher of various ages of children, and former girl myself, I know what the following terms mean:

(these are approximations)

little girl: 3-6 years old
young girl: 7-10 years old
girl: 11-14 years old
older girl: 15-16 years old

I think when I was living a few states away from my parents and in college at 17, I would have told you to go %$&# yourself if you’d called me a “young girl.”

A big part of the social media operation to discredit Anthony Weiner, is to try to instill in the public’s mind, the phrase “Weiner and young girls”. It is a marketing campaign, and the phrase “young girls” is by no means random. The phrase was chosen very carefully as a misstatement that people might not even notice, but that would evoke a reflexive disgust toward Anthony Weiner if and when his name became associated with this phrase. The phrase appears no less than 13 times in an interview with the (still anonymous) person who said he saw the “underwear” picture tweeted from the RepWeiner twitter account.   Do you think anyone actually believes that Anthony Weiner was sending underwear shots from his Blackberry to 7-10-year-olds?

The goal of the operation was NOT RepWeiner’s resignation. That is why, even after “Weinergate”, this social media disinformation campaign is ongoing.  Even though RepWeiner has resigned, he is still eminently electable in New York, as polls have borne out. He will be even more electable one year from now.

When I type:  Weiner “young girls”  into google, I get “About 2,700,000 results”. And when I type Weiner “young girl”, I get back “About 2,980,000 results”.

Below is a sampling from just one short blog page. I include commenters as well as the Breitbart-associated blogger, because it is likely that those involved in the operation are frequent commenters on internet blogs and forums, as well as on twitter. Commenting under multiple nicknames and I.D.’s is an important way for social media propagandists to disseminate mistruths. You may notice that a number of “commenters” discussing “Weiner” and “young girls” on certain blogs, write better than the average person. We know that at least one person involved in this operation is a professional marketer.

Patterico: “the involvement of young girls in this story”

Patterico commenter: “the evidence we have about the young girl”

“I have no trouble drawing inferences from the young girl’s own words based on a solitary proven recitation of Weiner’s rather unique fantasy.” 

Patterico commenter: “enticed one of these young girls to a motel”

Patterico commenter: “he is a virtual fornicator— with young girls”


Vigilant Blogger

Posted in mental, paranoia with tags , on July 30, 2011 by Qritiq
J. Edgar Hoover, director of the F.B.I, photog...

Image via Wikipedia

Patterico issued this important warning to me today on twitter:

“I have taken a screenshot”.

Meaning that he took a screencap of one of my tweets that he found to be scary and THREATENING, and that he might potentially use this screencap to IMPLICATE me in a possible INVESTIGATION.

Actually, I don’t think just one screencap is sufficient. I believe Patterico should screencap this entire blog. Within he will find that I discuss Great DANES and TIBETAN Mastiffs more than AMERICAN dogs. Obviously SEDITIOUS!!!

And with the thorough investigations of my writings that he should certainly attend to, he may also discover indications that I believe our president has done less than his best when it comes to math education. These criticisms of the president himself, should be taken directly to the SECRET SERVICE.

Clearly, as RonBryn and Patterico have discovered, I am EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and ARMED with a laptop, and I’m sure the FBI would be VERY INTERESTED in my tweets.

Thank God for this man’s vigilance in protecting the public from scary little blondes.